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Novel Transmission Model for Chlamydia

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Efficacious bacterial STI prevention strategies include a wide range of interventions, including those that:

  • Focus on individual behavior change, such as behavioral counseling, condoms, and sexual health messaging
  • Improve detection and treatment of cases and partners
  • Target societal/structural change, for example, through stigma reduction, legalization of gay marriage, or alcohol taxes.

However, how best to allocate limited resources across these interventions to achieve maximal impact on population rates of infection, reduction of disparities impacting marginalized sub-populations, and/or reduction of sequelae, is unknown.

This project aims to develop a model of heterosexual transmission of C. trachomatis infection in order to enable examination of the health impact, costs, and cost-effectiveness of different intervention strategies in specific settings defined by particular epidemiologic, economic, demographic, and healthcare profiles.